We're so glad you want to join us for the High School Lock-In! It's going to be a fun, relational, chilled-out night. Perfect to invite your friends along to!
Throughout the Lock-In we will be having LOADS of fun. From dinner, midnight snacks & games AND Bullwinkles! We'll be driving in leader's cars to Bullwinkles Family Fun Center for unlimited laser tag, mini golf, go-karts & more!
Drop Off at Marine View East Campus at 4:30 pm on 10/19, and pick up at the same place on 10/20 at 10 am (or join us for donuts & church at the 10:30 service.)
To Join us Please read, sign, and complete this form by Sunday, Sunday 10/13, along with a payment of $55. If you have any questions please email Andy (andy@marineviewpc.org) or Katie (katie@marineviewpc.org)
Young Person's Information
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Medical Release
I (we), the undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) of the above mention child, a minor, do hereby authorize adult volunteers of Marine View Presbyterian Church as agent(s) for the undersigned, to consent to any medical or surgical care deemed advisable by any accredited physician or surgeon in an approved emergency clinic or hospital. I understand that my child will be transported in a leaders car and I further release from any liability Marine View Presbyterian Church any of its ministries or leaders in the event of injury during the above-mentioned event. This agreement does not apply to claims for intentional misconduct or gross negligence.
*By entering my name in the box above, I am providing my digital signature on this Form.
If NO - You can fill out the form after this one. There will be a link on the confirmation page.
If UNSURE - we will check for you and get a copy of the form to you for you to fill out and sign ASAP.